Rules and regulations:

1. All players must be registered players of the Fossil Football League.

2. Registered full-time players can play for any team an unlimited number of games.

3. Registered part-time players can play a maximum of 7 outdoor league games, or 9 indoor league games. Games played for the registered team, as well as games played for other league teams, count towards the player's total number of games played.

4. If the number of allotted part-time games is surpassed, players are required to pay the balance of fees to upgrade their status to full-time.

5. All fees MUST be paid before your first game. There are no "pay as you play" fee options.

6. Players are required to register online prior to their first game.

7. All players are expected to wear appropriate soccer apparel. Shin guards are mandatory.

8. The Fossil Football League is an O40 league, except for players who have registered for previous outdoor or indoor programs, these players will be grandfathered if their age does not meet the minimum requirement.

9. Players are asked to promote a competitive recreational level of play and casual atmosphere while keeping true to all aspects of the game. This is a non-contact league.

10. Players are asked to always remain fun and friendly. Demonstrate sportsmanship and respect for other players and officials and continually promote friendship and team spirit, play with integrity, solidarity, tolerance, and care.

11. Each team shall consist of a minimum of 14 Full-time players with unlimited Part-time players.

12. Game sheets must be printed from the Administration System prior to each game and provided to the game officials. Handwritten additional players will not be accepted unless approved by the game's official

13. Players are responsible for maintaining their game attendance on the Bonzi system, this will ensure players are eligible to play as they will be on the Game sheet. This will also keep track of the number of games played by each player. Attendance cannot be revised after the start of each game.

14. Players are asked to maintain league equipment, such as jerseys, and ensure all equipment is returned to the league or Team Manager at the completion of each season.

15.  Rules and Regulations are designed by the Board of Directors of the Fossil Football League and only that Body has the right to add, alter, or delete any portion of the policies. These Rules apply to all registered players and teams of the Fossil Football League.


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